Friday, September 02, 2005


I just wanted to say that my heart goes out to all the victims of Hurricane Katrina. I can't imagine what it must be like to be there and even to still be stuck on a roof so many days after the storm. The people there are in my prayers. I have heard so many people express frustration that they can't do more to help. Remember that prayers matter! They can truly make a difference. The Red Cross in our town is only taking monetary donations right now so remember that every little bit helps, even if your token seems insignificant.

It's good that the government has finally admitted that they need to do more. I know that everyone of God's children is equally important, but it is easy to feel like we did more for the tsunami victims than for those on the gulf. On a related note, it's shocking that martial law may have to be imposed. I have no issue with those looting diapers but those looting for profit need to grow a conscience! They are only making a horrible situation worse. I know that a few people with guns feel like they run the city right now but it won't be this way forever. I can't believe they think there won't be consequences. As for the even more terrible crimes being committed, I can only say that I am praying for those victims and cannot understand the heartlessness, greed, and cruelty some people revert to if given opportunity.

Hopefully America will pull together for this situation the way we did after 9/11. The rescue workers are just as much heroes as the New York firefighters. They both risk their own lives to help others. Watching it all really puts things in perspective.

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

I'm also praying for the people down there. It truly is shocking. I also want to pray for the Shiite pilgrims in Bagdad. That is another disaster in which our prayers are needed.