Monday, June 05, 2006


I graduated! I now have a Master's and am so happy about it. Now it is time for the job hunt. It hasn't been going very well. I haven't gotten many calls for interviews. While I was in school everyone said science teachers were in short supply but it doesn't look that way from where I'm sitting. Also I don't know where we are going to end up living. It depends on my job and my hubbie's. Keep your fingers crossed that we both end up happy!

Little K is becoming more grown up everyday. She is definately a toddler now. Also we have another little peanut on the way. The due date is December 7th. So there's lots going on. I wish I had time to report on books and movies and fun things like I had planned for this blog. If I ever get the chance to see my friends or do any of those things I will post.

Happy Summer!


Tiffany said...

I hope that you find a great job. I'm praying for you guys. Also, I'm glad that you updated your blog. You should do that more often. ;)

Tiffany said...

Just forward 5 years and you're the department head at your school and your babies are 4 and 6. Why do we worry? God has us in His hand!